It shouldn’t be this hard to keep cows pregnant.

Feed what embryos need.

Strata with EPA/DHA Omega-3, The Pregnancy Nutrient

Are you tired of hearing ‘open’ at preg check, knowing that every lost pregnancy is a significant drain on your current economics and future herd performance? More failed pregnancies means…

Higher Services per Conception
Need to raise more costly replacements
Greater Culling Due to Lost Pregnancies
Lost income from fewer Beef X Dairy calf sales
Slower rate of genetic progress
Higher cost per pregnancy
Higher Services per Conception
Need to raise more costly replacements
Greater Culling Due to Lost Pregnancies
Lost income from fewer Beef X Dairy calf sales
Slower rate of genetic progress
Higher cost per pregnancy

Support Her Pregnancy from the Beginning

Improve Early Embryo Growth

Increase day-6 blastocyst growth rate


Improve uterine environment with less inflammation

Lower Pregnancy Losses

Fewer lost pregnancies at reconfirm check

We understand the impact of lost pregnancies on your dairy. Strata with EPA/DHA, the pregnancy nutrient, has become the #1 choice to deliver EPA/DHA omega-3 in a form that cows can utilize. More pregnancies obtained. More pregnancies retained.

Get Started with Strata


We’ll work with you to evaluate your reproductive performance and needs.


Identify the potential impact that EPA/DHA can have on improving pregnancies.

Step 3: Plan for Success

We’ll deliver a custom plan and economic analysis for feeding EPA/DHA to your herd. 

Get the FREE E-Book

Get the FREE E-Book to Learn More About How You Can Protect Your Embryos with Omega-3s!