Watch the Strata & rbST Comparison


rbST and Strata with omega-3s are two impactful technologies that make a significant difference in herd performance and economics. Renee Smith, California sales manager for Virtus Nutrition, has spent the past 20 years supporting producers and their use of these two products.

Listen in as she compares and contrasts how these technologies work, their impact on milk and reproduction, and the economics.

What you will learn:

  • Differences in impact on lactation curve
  • Comparison of milk response and timing of response
  • Differences in reproductive effects
  • Mode of action comparison
  • Economics… what’s the bottom line difference

Download Worksheet:
See How Strata Compares to rbST on Your Dairy!

While on-farm results may vary, results presented are from controlled research studies that can be found at Consult your nutritionist for specific feeding recommendations. All logos and trademarks are property of Virtus Nutrition, LLC.