The biggest hole in your cows’ diet you’re ignoring

EPA/DHA Omega-3.
It’s Essential.
How and Why to Feed Essential Levels of EPA/DHA
Download the Research Timeline + NEW Feeding Guide
What your cows consume has no doubt been carefully crafted… fine tuned with every change in dry matter and scrutinized to strike the best balance of providing a healthy diet in a cost effective manner. Despite your best efforts, it is possible that you may be missing one of the most impactful nutrients to cow health, reproduction and improving productive life… EPA/DHA Omega-3.
The MAIN Driver in Resolution of Inflammation
EPA/DHA is the main nutrient driver in the resolution of inflammation, as it is the source of resolvins and protectins. These specialized immune molecules have two roles:
- Preventing too many neutrophils from initially responding to the insult, and
- Signaling in the macrophages that actively resolve inflammation to return her back to healthy.
The Cost of Slowly Resolving Inflammation

What happens when a cow experiences excess inflammation or her system cannot effectively resolve inflammation? Negative energy balance is extended, infertility is likely and chronic inflammation sets her up for problems throughout her lactation.
Fortuntately, as little as half a gram of EPA/DHA has been shown to matter to her physiology, helping equip her to efficiently resolve inflammation and improve embryo development (Oseikria, 2016). To learn more, check out the resources below. Or send us an email and let us know how we can help ‘plug this nutrient hole’ in your dairy diets in a cost effective way.