(said no one ever who is selling beef x dairy calves for $700+!)
(said no one ever who is selling beef x dairy calves for $700+!)
(said no one ever who is selling beef x dairy calves for $700+!)
(said no one ever who is selling beef x dairy calves for $700+!)
On the Blog
Improving Preg Rate Beyond 30—Is it Worth It?

Every time a cow does not get pregnant the first time, the result is fewer $700 beef calves to sell…leaving significant opportunity cost on the table with every failed pregnancy.

Chart showing significant embryo loss over the first 28 days of pregnancy
Strata with EPA/DHA Omega-3

The Pregnancy Nutrient

Protect Your Embryo Investment with EPA/DHA Omega-3

Support her pregnancy from the beginning

Increase day-6 blastocyst growth rate

Improve uterine environment with less inflammation

Lower preg losses at Day-60 reconfirm check.  

What our customers are saying

Interested in learning more?

Your pregnancy improvement plan

Step 1

We will work with you to evaluate your current reproductive performance and needs.

Step 2

Identify the potential impact that EPA/DHA can have on your herd.

Step 3

Provide you with a custom plan and economic analysis for feeding EPA/DHA to your herd.