EnerGII vs. Cottonseed: Fatty Acid & Economic Analysis
When evaluating the most cost effective ways to deliver fatty acids to dairy cows, be sure to dig a few layers deeper than simply cost per ton. The differences in fatty acid profile matter when it comes to cottonseed and not just your fat supplement.
In this analysis comparing EnerGII with cottonseed, you’ll gain a clearer understanding of the differences in fatty acid profile, production responses in controlled research, and how the economics compare on a fatty acid basis.
Key Findings:
- While cottonseed has its place as a forage extender due to its fuzzy fiber characteristics, the fatty acid profile and rumen inert properties of EnerGII provide greater FCM results.
- EnerGII is 2X the concentration of Palmitic to support milk fat and Oleic to improve FA digestibility, milk and body condition.
- EnerGII has 4.4 times higher % total fatty acids, making it a very condensed energy source vs. cottonseed that is a jack of all trades with fat, fiber and protein.
- Across a wide range of cost differential comparing EnerGII to Cottonseed cost per cow per day (-20 cents to +20 cents), there’s greater value in the fatty acid profile and rumen protected delivery of EnerGII.
Check out the full presentation and download a simple worksheet to run your own scenarios on the value of EnerGII vs. Cottonseed below.